About Us
St. Mary the Virgin is a member parish of the Diocese of the Pacific and Southwest, Anglican Rite Catholic Province, of the Holy Catholic Church, Western Rite. Services are celebrated according to the American edition of the Anglican Missal and the 1928 American edition of The Book of Common Prayer. We use the Hymnal 1940 and the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
We have a weekly Sunday School program for 4-12 year olds, as well as an ongoing adult education program and Bible study.
As members of the Diocese of the Pacific and Southwest, the congregation of St. Mary the Virgin supports the operations and missions of the Diocese. Our church supports outreach to the needy with ongoing donations of nonperishable food items. We also support various local charitable organizations.
Since 1981, our church home has been the historic Pioneer Church, located in beautiful Oakwood Memorial Park at the intersection of Valley Circle and Lassen in Chatsworth in the western San Fernando Valley. (MapQuest directions) From the park entrance, continue on the main road up the hill. The church will be on your right as you near the back of the park.
Contact us for more information!
Bp. Rasch for Church information
Webmaster to report site problems
The Right Reverend Anthony F. Rasch |
Rector, St. Mary the Virgin |
The Reverend Deacon John Yeager | Assisting |
Parish Vestry
Robert Jones (’28) Deborah Ruiz |
Victoria Wood (’28) Victoria Wood |
Gretchen Martin (’27) Shannon Shehata (’26) |
Deacon John Yeager (’27) Landon Melamed (’26) |
Other Parish Officers
Acolytes | Robert Jones |
Altar Guild | Gretchen Martin |
Choir | Beth Kubo |
Docents | Robert Jones |
Funerals | Nancy Jones |
Long-Range Planning | Gretchen Martin |
Organist | TBD |
Sunday School | Beth Kubo |
Transportation | TBD |
Ushers | |
Verger | Robert Jones |
Website | Ken Kubo |
Newsletter | Bp. Rasch |