Annual Parish Meeting

The annual parish meeting was held the afternoon of 29 January. Ann Hanna, Mark Kennington, and A. C. were elected to the Vestry. Gretchen Martin was named Senior Warden, John Fike was appointed Verger (replacing the former office of Sexton), and Barbara Bowyer was elected Junior Warden. The proposed 2012 parish budget was provisionally accepted as prepared by the Budget Committee.

Three delegates (Gretchen Martin, Ken Kubo, and John Fike) and three alternates (Agnes Talley, Deborah Ruiz, Mark Kennington) were elected to represent the parish at the Diocesan Synod, 3-4 May, at Mater Delarosa Passionist Retreat Center, Sierra Madre. Note that the Synod is open to other attendees as well; only delegates are allowed to vote in business matters.

For the Lenten program this year, the decision was made to celebrate with a service of Evening Prayer for each session. The current suggestion for a program was to read and discuss Max Lucado’s Facing Your Giants: A David and Goliath Story for Everyday People.

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